Restoring Oceans

Creating resilience and recovery for ocean life.

Studying, Restoring, and Protecting the Santa Monica Bay

Off the coast of Los Angeles, the cool waters of the north Pacific converge with the warm waters of the sub-tropics. The rocky reefs, sandy plains, and submarine canyons off our coast support kelp forests, seagrass meadows, and thousands of species. Boating, fishing, and SCUBA diving are a short list of the many uses this coastal ocean supports. Historical overfishing, pollution, and alteration of the coastline have caused habitat loss. The Bay Foundation’s (TBF’s) Ocean Resilience Program, is reversing these losses by restoring kelp forests and eelgrass meadows. These forests and meadows in turn provide food and shelter for hundreds of species and support local fisheries. Abalone, long prized as seafood and for their shells, are being actively grown by TBF and put back into the ocean, their numbers too few to recover alone. These projects locally address climate change, as the kelp and eelgrass increase the pH of the ocean and slow erosion. Our ongoing research and restoration efforts help TBF and partners understand how to best preserve these habitats for the current and future generations.
